Welcome to Pet Guards Fundraising
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Celia has lived with us for a number of years.  She is too afraid to let people touch her, but is often found sleeping with Precious in a sunbeam.


Guy was brought to us a very thin cat with an enormous head.  We fattened him up and discovered that he has FIV.  He is a very social cat who waits for anyone to pay attention to him.  He likes to be carried around by the staff and volunteers.  He has grown into his head and is now a very big cat with an equally big personality.


Snow came to us afraid of everything, including being locked in a cage.  He now lives in a larger space with Celia and Precious and is happy and active there.  He is still shy, but likes to cuddle if you move slowly and don't frighten him.


Precious is a 17 year old cat, whose elderly owner had to move to a nursing home.  There was hope that the two of them would be able to go home again, but that is not going to happen now.



Frisco has many allergies that are made worse by stress, causing him to have skin outbreaks and severe ear infections.  He was in our adoption program for two years before moving into a more open, permanent space with a few other cats.  He is much happier there and hasn't had any allergic outbreaks in quite a while.


Mouse came from a series of bad homes.  She got settled in here and decided that there was nothing that would convince her to leave, no matter who we brought to meet her.  She believes that this is the best place that she has ever lived and plans to stay forever.

Sponsor:  Abbey Linville