Welcome to Pet Guards Fundraising
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Brittany was put into a home, but was brought back to us after an unfortunate incident.  She is easily frightened, but is doing well in our care.  She lives and follows Yellow Dog.  They are both much more brave with the company of the other.


Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog has her name not only because of her color, but also because of her personality.  She is easily frightened, especially by strangers.  She is also difficult to contain since she sees every type of fence as a challenge to go over.  She lives happily with Brittany, the two of them being braver because of the presence of the other.

Lil Mollie

In 2002 one of our volunteers witnessed Mollie getting hit by a car.  Through hollistic healing we were able to repair her spine.  She is now six years old and is in great shape other than a little bit of a crooked back.



Rascal is a three year old fellow who was abandonded.  His temperment matches his name, which expalins why he is still here instead of in a new home.  He enjoys digging five feet deep holes and he can jump almost five feet high!



We rescued Gracie in 2006 after the hurricanes hit Orlando.  She is around twenty years old and is deaf and blind, but she still knows how to enjoy life.

Gracie Recently passed over the rainbow bridge.  She will be missed.